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With a capital conviction and consider a number of their fans online can be said not a little, Boyce Avenue start their first show in New York City in January 2009. Until finally they decided to record and produce her first album. The elder brother decided to merge to form a band with her ​​siblings who were graduated from the University of Florida Over time, increasingly many who like Boyce Avenue this. To that end, after Daniel graduated from Harvard Law School. For three of them, education is important even though they have made ​​music a part of their lives. Boyce Avenue was formed in 2004, after Alejandro (vocals, guitar, piano), Fabian (guitar, vocals) and his older brother Daniel (bass, percussion, vocals) completed his education. The band consists of three brothers Alejandro Manzano, Manzano Fabian, and Daniel Manzano. Boyce Avenue is a band from Florida to carry the flow of acoustic and melodic rock.